The Internet Is Destroying Rory For Admitting He Was Thinking About Where He Was Going On Vacation After He Tripled The 4th Hole Yesterday

Oh sure, now Rory does some media and people want to make fun of him. He should make peeling out of the parking lot his thing. Clearly it's somewhat of a joke here. He was toast after that triple on the 4th hole yesterday. But the Internet doesn't care, they are calling him a quitter for admitting such. Every reply to that tweet is basically saying the same thing. 

And on and on we go. Yeah, I mean he could have gotten hot. Niemann did it yesterday after his disaster on 8. Bob MacIntyre got hot and made the cut. Max drilled that 28-foot birdie on 18 to make the cut. Anything can happen. But Rory sucked this week. Not sure how else to describe it. He was awful. Couldn't hit a fairway, was snap hooking wedges. Everything was a mess. 

All I know is you better go on an awesome vacation now. Leave the kid at home. There's no vacation with kids, trust me. It's just parenting in a different location without half of your shit. But come on, people can't be honestly mad here at Rory, right? You can say he sucked that's fair. But he actually shot -2 on the back. He didn't quit necessarily, he just knew he was cooked. 

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